Occupational Therapy
Pediatric occupational therapy in Rutherford, Cleveland, Polk, Lincoln, Gaston, Burke, and Catawba counties in NC. We also work with families receiving services through the Children's Developmental Services Agency NC Infant Toddler Program in all of the above-listed counties in NC.

Occupational Therapy
At Wood Therapy Services, we are dedicated to supporting children in their fine motor, visual motor, and sensory skill development to achieve positive outcomes and life-long success. Our pediatric occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants provide therapy to address:
Fine motor delays (i.e., handwriting, coloring, using tools such as scissors, manipulating small objects like buttons, etc.)
Developmental delays (i.e., self-help skills, coordination, sensory integration, feeding, etc.)
Sensory integration issues related to Autism and/or ADD/ADHD
Visual-motor delays (i.e., building with blocks, coloring, scribbling, writing, drawing, cutting, catching a ball, hand-eye coordination etc.)
Attention challenges (i.e., difficulty sitting still for an appropriate amount of time, challenges with memory and focus, etc.)
Behavior regulation issues (i.e., over-responsive behaviors, easily frustrated, challenges with following rules, difficulty with physical boundaries)
Sensory feeding issues (i.e., food texture issues, picky eaters, food refusal, limited diets, etc.)
Referrals from physicians, parents, and Children Developmental Services Agency accepted. Providing private occupational therapy for children at our Shelby, NC clinic and at homes, daycares, and other community settings in Cleveland, Rutherford, Polk, Lincoln, Gaston, Catawba, and Burke counties in NC.

Our evaluation protocols are based on parent concerns and developmental history and include parent input, client interaction, observation, and standardized assessments to develop a thorough understanding of the child's strengths and challenges. Evaluation results, along with family and client preferences, are used to guide our occupational therapy plan and recommended goals.
If a child has had an evaluation from another company within the last 3 months of contacting Wood SLP Services, Inc. we will use those evaluation results to guide our therapy plan and goals.

Outpatient, Clinic-Based Services
Come visit us at our family-friendly clinic located in Shelby, NC. For some families, receiving therapy in a dedicated therapy space, outside of the home, works best. We have created a welcoming and clean clinic where families can freely join us in our therapy rooms or wait in our lobby during their child's session.
Wood Therapy Services has a Sensory Gym at our clinic that allows for dedicated focus and treatment of all fine motor delays but is especially beneficial to children with sensory integration issues related to Austin and/or ADD/ADHD.
1607 East Dixon Blvd Shelby, NC 28152

Early Intervention Services
Wood Therapy Services provides early intervention services for children ages 0-3 years, who have been found eligible for the N.C. Infant Toddler Program by the CDSA. If your child is under the age of 3 years old and you have not had a developmental evaluation through the Children Developmental Services Agency (CDSA), please contact them to schedule an evaluation. If your child is eligible for speech therapy or occupational therapy, we are an approved provider for families in Rutherford, Cleveland, Polk, Lincoln, Gaston, Burke, and Catawba counties.
If your child was not eligible for services through CDSA, however, you are concerned about your child's speech, language, or social development, please contact us to discuss our private practice services.
Using a mix of play-based therapy and caregiver coaching, we provide services for children in homes and daycares. Contact us to begin occupational therapy services.

Home, Daycare, and Community Setting
Not only is it convenient to have our occupational therapists come to you, but we also believe in evidence showing the effectiveness of therapy when provided in a child’s natural environment. We work on fine motor, visual motor, and sensory integration skills where the child is comfortable, allowing them the security to learn and practice new skills in the settings where they will use the skills the most
Providing private occupational therapy in Cleveland, Rutherford, Polk, Lincoln, Gaston, Catawba, and Burke counties in NC.